Featured Product of the Month

Lu Rong Kidney Incense

Winter is the best time to nourish the Kidneys. As recorded in The Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon (黃帝內經), “冬气通于肾”, the Winter energy is connected with the kidneys.In order to make this special incense for kidneys, we used two raw materials from deer, velvet antler and musk. Since ancient times, these two have been extremely valuable royal medicines, and they have very good effects on the maintenance of the kidneys. Once smell, your kidneys can instantly feel the flow of energy, which can promote Qi and blood circulation and strengthen kidney Qi.

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Dr. Li Fupeng, the founder of Dr. Incense, is a scientific researcher at School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.  Dr. Li and other friends initiated the establishment of the Incense Culture Association of Singapore  (新加坡香文化协会), and Nanyang Culture Academy (南洋书院), to promote incense culture and other traditional cultures in Singapore.

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